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LOVE Advices & Cupid Game


Hello, black brothers and the rest. Today I come with very important message. Listen to me, because we will be throwing through some heavy hits. Okay, black brothers, let's just say it out there.

She doesn't love you.

It's truth. It hurts. But it's true. Because of biology.

Human DNA is complex two helix system that originated as virus. It is inherently parasitic, why would selfish genes exist in all organisms? When looking at bacteria, I doubt you can say so. Do cyanobacteria look like they have selfish gene? Do cyanobacteria try to live high luxurious life in Brooklyn?

Eukaryot is natural selfish gene cell. I won't explain all biology studies and crap like that. Let's get to the big bomb.

Ribosomes and transcription protocol systems order you to have SELF. It is parts of you that define your sense of identity as organism. Like medusa knows it's medusa becaaaause, tarsiers know they're tarsiers fireflies know they are fireflies because, demodex knows its demodex because, orangutan human...

We must protect SELF for our good. Exactly. They have sense of SELF. When white woman looks at black man, what she sees is an animal.
When she looks at white man with acne. What does she? Same thing. Our simple perceptors tell our SELF what is a part of us.  

I know it's crazy, bro. I know you don't believe me. Skin means that our SELF plays a huge role in it.

okay, I am bored now.
