Search the abyss


 I will be trying to put the general thoughts I have possessed together about important subject that relates to me quite strongly. You can listen to this ramble of a black serpent who has nowhere else to go. In this world, when you decide to do something your desire takes fire. That desire exists as opposite force to another antidesire on parallel counterpart. Nothing in this world is immortal. Question, can desire be really exceptionable and not object but a similar phenomenon that is equivogue, like the infinite microscropy or expansion, pi and magnetism. But in the universe, there is constant expansion of all light. If desire is immortal, then "desires" are immortal. Which means life and death cycle will enact themselves upon physical manifestation from morphed entropy system. The same as a star that dies and is taken by former gas planet, it is new function that has to happen. Therefore, one way or another all possibilities have to happen. That put me into disbelief to myself; I mean what I want is equilibrium. Will my equilibrium meet a fate of being counteracted by a perfect antidesire? To me, it appears impossible. I don't believe equilibrium can be met with cancelled. What is antidesire of love? Consumption of things. A demon who consumes while you don't do the same. A demon who wants to consume as much as you want to give. The fact I am aware of this is phenomenon, how am I aware? In all truths, if my desire is so great then it will reach equilibrium state. Which means they will no longer be possible for universe to continue in entropy system. I am Entropy. If you hit a round object with a spear of both equal mass and density, what will destroy?
